Code Of Conduct

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Code of conduct for pupil

  • Parents should have Parent's I-card when they come to pick their children on to attend the PTM.

  • Parents are should not send lunch for their wards during school hours.

  • The school bears no responsibility in any of the problem/case related to Face-book, sending messages or contacting through mobile phones at home. Outside school their such type of issues will not at all be entertained.

  • Students are expected to arrive school punctually at least 5 minutes before the assembly time.

  • Children should always be dressed neatly in clean and proper uniform.

  • On recovery from a contagious disease like small-pox, conjunctivitis, viral fever etc. student shall be allowed in the school only on producing a fitness certificate by a registered doctor.

  • Parents are requested not to send their wards with money, gold ornaments costly wrist watches etc. In case of loss school bears no responsibility.

  • In case of emergency students are allowed to go home during school hours only if they are accompanied by parents on written approval by the Principal.

  • Students are expected to participate in all cultural and religious activities of the school without any grudge.

  • Students are strictly forbidden to bring crackers, sharp objects or any other destructive material to school.

  • Wearing 'Kada' in school is strictly prohibited.

  • Every student is expected to abide by the rules and regulations. Classrooms should be kept neat and clean with no damage to furnitures, electricity boards, window glasses, fans, Smart Class equipment etc.

  • Decorum and decency must be maintained. Shouting, whistling, using abusive language, brawling is strictly forbidden. Strict action will be taken against the defaulter.

  • The Principal reserves the right to dismiss any student whose progress in studies is most unsatisfactory and whose conduct brings a bad name to school.     

  • The students should not be seen hanging around anywhere in school uniform during the school hours as it brings bad name to the institution. Strict action will be taken against the defaulters.

  • Parents are requested to pay regular attention towards the child's performance and must attend Parent/Teacher Meetings positively. School can do a lot for the child but it cannot do everything. "Mutual cooperation leads to success".

Important Information for parents

*        Parents are requested to go through the contents of the School Almanac and abide by the rules and regulations laid down by the school in the interest of the child.

*        The school gate open 10 min before the school timings and closes 10 min after the dispersal.

*        Parents should have parent's I-Card as well as valid entry cards when they come to pick their children or to attend the PTM.

*        Parents are requested to ensure that their ward is dropped and picked up on time.

*        Those parents whose wards are coming by private vehicles must ensure that they must possess Aadhar Card of drivers as well as vehicle no.

*        Parents must keep themselves in touch with the school App. to view important messages home-work, time table events and attendance.

"Have more than thou showest, speak less than thou knowest. ~ William Shakespeare "